WE RECRUIT: We engage a broad base of congregations and other non-partisan institutions and leaders in our communities so that 1) we are grounded in the reality of Long Island, and 2) we have the power to win real victories. Member institutions own the organization. They pay dues and engage leaders in shaping our agenda, developing strategies, and taking action.
WE LISTEN & RELATE: We meet one-to-one and in small groups. We exchange stories and experiences. We’re looking for leaders, and for the interests that might drive another person to become a leader in their congregation or group, and in LI-CAN. We identify issues that we agree on, and that our leaders care deeply about.
WE RESEARCH & LEARN: We set aside our assumptions and conventional wisdom and dig deeply for answers to the challenges facing our communities. We listen to people who have direct experience, particularly those who are most affected by an issue. We identify the power players who can make a difference.
WE TEACH & TRAIN: We present what we’ve learned to our congregations and communities, and to other key constituencies. We train leaders in the know-how of getting things done, and equip them with practical tools for public action.
WE ACT: We bring proposals for change to key decision-makers. We use the combined power of our communities to push as needed. There’s no formula; every issue and every action is different. But it usually works like this: power + creativity + persistence + compromise = victory.
WE WIN: One set of victories is the change we bring about to strengthen our communities. But there is another less visible set of victories: new leadership in our institutions, and deeper connections between our institutions and communities.